Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who am I??

many came and many went,not all; were there to stay
few last forever, rest are all; part of the way

some say i am sweet, some say cute
some say arrogant and some say mute

some say an angel
some consider devil

some made me the reason for their smile
some awarded the tears for being versatile

not anyone saw the real me
just another bird who learned to flee

everyone believed only their thought
when there exist a different reality i fought

no one ever ask,
whats behind the mask

my eyes tell a different story
the lips hide a different lorry

i am what you think doesn't exist
i am what you think is a mist

i am a devil, i am a ghost
i am what u don't; think the most

i am an untold story
i am an unheard glory

i am badly twirled
i am a lost world!!!!!!


  1. i wish i can speak more out of my heart

  2. How come these are not selected by G+

  3. oh btw that was ME :D

  4. And why you have to be anonymous :p

    I shared them on g+ .. u gotta set notification to know it

  5. none last forever, all are part of the way

    I like :)

  6. Yes.. none last forever.. but the memories of the good are always there :D

    and yet none last forever because..we come alone in this world.. we live alone.. we get hurt by people around us and we go out of this world alone

    still loneliness is a pain... a pain which cannot be explained.. which cannot be measured..

    a pain one cannot easily get rid of... simply.. its a part of your life .. you feel lonely in the crowd... you feel lonely from inside...
    the emptiness of the mind and the heart... all you feel but you never know why...

    the remedy is.... Love... and love exist somewhere in the galaxies and you have to run to catch it or it just falls on you the way it wants...

    let it go... let it be the way it is... let it be Loneliness and fall in love with loneliness and you will find peace...
